Changes to listing distribution options are coming to CRMLS
You may be aware that Zillow is in the process of becoming a brokerage. As Zillow transitions from being a listing distribution partner to a dues-paying member of NAR and local Associations, they will begin to enjoy the same rights as other brokerages.
Among these important rights is the right to access IDX (Internet Data Exchange) feeds.
Today, Zillow receives listing data from brokers instructing CRMLS to provide their listing information through a specifically tailored listing distribution feed. Once Zillow becomes a brokerage in our area, they will access listings through the same feeds that brokers do today.
Here is a breakdown of what this means for you.
Listing distribution control changes
The CRMLS system currently permits brokers to control which listing distribution partners receive their listings, including,,, and Zillow.
Those options will soon change. As Zillow will be a participating brokerage instead of a listing distribution partner, brokers will not be able to specifically exclude Zillow from receiving their listings.
Changes to how listings display on Zillow
Because of the switch to IDX feeds, listing data will display on Zillow differently than it does today. Full details are still forthcoming. We know, however, that our IDX licensing agreement does not permit advertising in the way you may be used to on Zillow. Zillow will update its current listing displays to comply with CRMLS IDX standards, the same as any brokerage that uses that same IDX listing data feed.
Changes to rental listing search on Zillow
You may have heard rumors that Zillow plans to start charging fees for rental listings. (In fact, per Zillow, Zillow has charged fees for rental listings for “around a year,” except for MLS-sourced listings.) As outlined above, Zillow is also moving to IDX feeds. It’s reasonable to wonder how these two things can coexist.
We’ve reached out to Zillow and confirmed that Zillow will no longer combine rental and for-sale properties in the same search. In other words, their IDX feed for MLS-sourced for sale listings will not comingle with their feeds for rental listings.
Per Zillow, “None of the fees… will be implemented until Jan 2021 and will not be on any listings under [Zillow’s] current syndication license.”
Zillow continued: “Under IDX, [Zillow] will not be pulling or displaying any [rental] listings under the IDX license. The rentals search will be a completely separate search experience on the site.” (Emphasis added.)
We hope this helps clarify a few items. We will be in further contact to ensure this transition is as smooth as possible. As always, you’re welcome to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
This Post Has 12 Comments
NAR should place marketing adds for public awareness of this change so broker stop paying for adding rentals at the new Zillow format and make an add campaign for the public to go on
Why wasn’t included in the listing distribution partners? Don’t know anyone that uses or, both chunky and spammy interfaces.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Hi Dan, thanks for taking the time to respond. Redfin is a brokerage firm, not a listing distribution portal. As a broker, Redfin may display all listings in the MLS through their Internet Data Exchange (IDX) feed or with a Virtual Office Website (VOW) feed. In the CRMLS system, brokers may choose to send their listings to – or exclude their listings from – any listing distribution portal. The IDX/VOW feeds are subject to CRMLS Rules consistent with the U.S. Department of Justice-mandated 2008 settlement agreement with NAR. Although the 2008 settlement has expired, current NAR policy mandates sharing all on market listings with all participating brokerages. Visit the NAR website to learn more:
brokers will not be able to specifically exclude Zillow from receiving their listings.
Why? I pay Zillow a monthly fee. I pay to belong to CAR and NAR. I pay for the MLS. Why do I not have a choice. Why would I want Zillow competing with me? Their Zestimates are usually way off the mark. Their practices are suspect at best and a source of contention for buyers and sellers alike.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Hi Earl, thanks for taking the time to respond. Zillow’s new business model includes becoming a brokerage. Just like any other dues-paying brokerage in the MLS, Zillow has certain rights. CRMLS does not exclude participating brokerages from obtaining an IDX feed.
Is Zillow paying one MLS dues?
Or does every employee at Zillow use the one MLS login to add thousands of listings?
Does Zillow add all listings to the MLS promptly?
What about Zillow offers, are those pocket listings that only go to Zillows’ private investors?
So all MLS listings are on Zillow, but not all Zillow listings are on the MLS?
So is Zillow the broker of record for Zillow Premier agents?
If Zillow is a Brokage isn’t it reasonable for a client to believe they are being represented by the broker Zillow, when working with a Zillow Premier agent?
Why are we then paying a Realtor, OCAR, MLS fee when we can just join Zillow?
How long before Zillow is the official term for MLS? Less than one generation and MLS is gone.
Very interesting points. I would love to see CRMLS answer every one of those in details.
We have been SOLD OUT . Association no longer has our best interest .
Miguel, those are all fantastic questions. I think we are all getting rolled. What is NAR doing while Zillow is sucking the blood out of agents, while we’re paying a big fat Realtor dues every year.
Why can I no longer post past sales on Zillow?
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Hi Maggie, thanks for taking the time to respond. Our team has reached out to you to assist.