February 2023 Broker Report

2023 Broker Report Banner Feb 2023


CRMLS Stats   

Check out the MLS stats for January 2023. If you’re interested in stats for your office, reach out to brokers@crmls.org.

jan broker market data

CEO Art Carter presents CRMLS updates to brokers & managers   

On Thursday, March 9, join CRMLS CEO Art Carter as he presents critical information brokers and managers need to know. 

From system enhancements to insight on upcoming industry changes, CRMLS wants to help brokers stay up to speed on the latest news. Topics include: 

  • Market Data
  • REcenterhub
  • Legal Updates

Registration is free, but space is limited – sign up today!   

Thursday, March 9  @ 2:00 PM PT

Note: This event is for brokers & managers only. Please do not share. This webinar recording will not be shared.   

REcenterhub: Get tailored industry news directly to your dashboard

Stay in the loop with informative, relevant articles

The REcenterhub dashboard (set to replace your current dashboard in early 2023) offers users an assortment of benefits that will keep you up to date on the latest industry news. As part of its streamlined user experience, REcenterhub greets users with an article carousel — curated by the CRMLS team — that covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Association news
  • Broker news
  • Industry news
  • ….and much more!

Articles are chosen based on user interest and are collected into several dedicated categories. The article list is updated regularly, making it a comprehensive and convenient source for information. You can also personalize your newsfeed by searching, favoriting, and filtering articles of your choice.

REcenterhub: Make your dashboard as unique as your real estate business

No two real estate professionals are the same — everyone has an individual approach to serving their clients. So, shouldn’t your Dashboard be as unique as your business?

With REcenterhub’s dashboard you can organize the applications you use the most and put away the ones you don’t in a “drawer” so that they’re still accessible without cluttering up your primary workspace.

Click on the + button icon from the top right corner in your REcenterhub’s User Benefits section:

If you prefer a more minimal display, you can use the toggle button next to the + button icon for a simple view of your applications:

The User Benefits panel will slide out from the right. From there, you can access CRMLS Core products, association-specific benefits, and CRMLS Marketplace options. You can also customize it by adding or removing the products you want on your Dashboard.

Ready to use REcenterhub? Log in today from your current dashboard by clicking the REcenterhub tile (displayed below) to start curating your favorite articles using a Dashboard that highlights your unique real estate business. 

Important Broker Resources 

Brokers and managers can jump ahead of the wait time for MLS assistance by calling our Broker Support Line at 909-859-2043. 

Please note: You must identify yourself by your broker or broker/office assistant MLS ID, as not all user classes have access to this service. For a list of MLS user classes that can access the Broker Helpline, see the last column of our user class documents below. 

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