Industry Leaders Support Statewide MLS Access in New Video From It’s My Business

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Last week we released a new video for the CRMLS-led It’s My Business campaign, featuring several prominent figures in California real estate sharing their support for the statewide MLS access movement and relating personal experiences as evidence of the need for change. We met with the industry leaders at the Spring C.A.R. meetings in the state capital of Sacramento, where the It’s My Business booth also garnered interest amongst hundreds of brokers and agents in attendance.

Notable among the interviewees is past C.A.R President Jim Hamilton, who began working toward a statewide MLS in 2005 with the C.A.R. initiative CALRED. Since then, Hamilton says, “we’ve come a long way,” citing the decrease in the number of MLSs statewide from 71 to 44 in the past decade. “But,” he adds, “we’re not there yet.”

The added support to the It’s My Business campaign comes amidst our announcement of new agreements with the North Bay and Marin Associations of REALTORS®, whose brokers will now have the option to choose CRMLS as their MLS provider. Those who opt to use CRMLS will gain access to over a 100,000 active listings throughout the state, joining our network of over 80,000 California real estate professionals.

CRMLS CEO Art Carter said in a press release, “It is very important to us that Association members have a voice within the MLS, which is why all changes made at CRMLS are first approved by local Association representatives.” This sentiment is echoed by three Association Executives appearing in the new video, including Peggy Mead of the Chico AOR, who remarked, “Everybody gets one vote on the [Operations] Committee, and we’ve had tons of things that we’ve been able to accomplish through CRMLS.”

Our network at CRMLS continues to expand as more and more industry professionals are educated about the benefits of a single point of access to aggregated listing data. If you have questions about the campaign for statewide MLS listing access, or if you would like to support It’s My Business, visit and JOIN THE MOVEMENT! Help us get the word out to your network of agents and brokers by liking the campaign on Facebook and following it on Twitter below.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Alvaro Lozano

    I support It’s My Business Too and other things like a) No Pocket Listings allowed, b) Reduce the input time frame of a listing to the MLS to 24 hours or less, including the pictures and make it available at that same time (except when is tenant occupied) , c) Avoid not to block the showing, not after several days of expossure to the internet and with reduced time frames to show for the agents and puting big window (some listing agents do wait for One Week to present the offers to the sellers, Please have more respect to our CAR forms wording in that matter) c) No to use on the Property Signs on the properties, because does not reflect us as agents and individuals, but as big corporations (the most big companies with many agents have the most exposure in the cities, giving a false impression to the public, so they may think this company is the best wich in reality is every single agent who makes the difference between us) and we all now the more exposition on the streets doesn’t mean the faster response to us, the field agents due the automatization, when we are working showing homes is impossible to get in touch of most of the listing agents, especcially on weekends, or at least have a limit on the time frame to answer on their greeting message. d) Avoid the charge from any internet company for advertising to the agents or brokers because we as agents provide all the input criteria. e) Prohibit the inputs with cero to less than 1% compensation to selling agents because this is punishing selling agents for their school preparation and discourage the ethical environment we have until now. f) Provide a free Agent Page on the website supported by the MLS. or the .Realtor.

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