Trending Topics for Compliance: January 2021

Curious to know what our Compliance Department is hearing? Read our top trending items for the month.

1. Updates to CRMLS Rules & Policy

Changes to citation review process and more 

Effective January 2, 2021, the CRMLS Rules and Regulations and CRMLS Citation Policy have been updated and published on the Compliance page of the CRMLS website.

We encourage you to read a two-page summary of the rule changes, located here:

A brief summary of three of the most impactful changes follows.

  • The citation review procedure is being revised to the extent that an administrative/written review will become the default process.
  • For any MLS Rule violation that would result in a fourth citation in any calendar year, the Subscriber and the Participant’s Office Manager or Designated Broker shall appear before a Professional Standards hearing panel. (Read the document located at the link above for a full explanation.)
  • The Service must, upon request, promptly provide a Participant (or the Participant’s designee) a data feed containing, at minimum, all active MLS listing content input into the MLS by or on behalf of the Participant and all of the Participant’s off-market listing content available in the MLS system.

Additional resources are available here:

Please familiarize yourself with the new rules as soon as possible.

2. Compliance training is available for your office

Submit your request for compliance training at your office. Make sure to select “Compliance” as your topic and our team will get in touch with you to schedule!

3. Register for our Compliance webinars 

Clear Cooperation Policy Resources to Remember 

All Platforms 




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