Curious to know what our Compliance Department is hearing? Read our top trending items for the month.
1. Compliance Resources facelift
We’ve revamped the Compliance webpage so that you have easier access to the resources you need
Check out the new page: You can find the Knowledgebase icon for each platform right on the Compliance page! The Knowledgebase is where we house all your step-by-step resources by category. Each icon links out to their respective category. We’ve also added the Report Off-MLS Marketing and Coming Soon Form to the top of the page for easy access.

2. Registered vs. Coming Soon
Confused about the difference between Registered & Coming Soon?
Remembering the differences between the Registered and Coming Soon status doesn’t have to be complicated! Click here to review our Knowledgebase article comparing both statuses. View our Registered vs. Coming Soon knowledgebase article.
3. Auto Sold Listings
Reminder! Update the COE date and close the listing manually.
When a listing’s status is changed to Active Under Contract (U) or Pending (P), the Listing Agent is required to enter an Estimated Close of Escrow Date (Estimated COE Date). If the listing’s status is not updated within 5 calendar days of the Estimated COE Date or the Estimated COE Date is not extended, the CRMLS Matrix platform’s Auto Sell feature will automatically change the listing’s status to Auto Sold (S ). Failure to update your listing within 2 business days after the Estimated COE Date has passed will result in a MLS rules violation. View our Auto Sold Listings knowledgebase article.
4. Paragon: Old system vs New system rules
Make sure you know what the new rules are post upgrade.
We’ve given Paragon users a period of relaxed Compliance enforcement while you’ve transitioned to the upgraded system. To ensure the integrity of data in your new system, CRMLS Compliance will soon ramp up enforcement of the CRMLS Rules and Regulations for CRMLS Paragon users. Click here to access the CRMLS document that compares the old Paragon system and the CRMLS Paragon system and their respective rulesets. View our San Diego Paragon vs. CRMLS Paragon knowledgebase article.
Clear Cooperation Policy Resources to Remember
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